As current events and erratic moguls test the limits of major social platforms, we at New York Review of Architecture are planning to double down on the social platform that we have always liked best: tables.
We do not want to call out any other platform, but it is true, we have always done best on tables. Tables provide a mercifully algorithm-free platform that supports our pages and displays our issues free of third-party advertising. Tables provide an excellent forum for our readers to have lengthy and spirited conversations about our articles that are not recorded and analyzed for search engine optimization. Tables provide superb support for some of the best friends of the publication, such as a cup of coffee or a good cocktail. Tables still support our issues, remarkably, even when there is no wifi, cell service, or even electricity. Tables do not hide our issues under a torrent of unrelated content after five minutes. Tables do not care that we do not have glossy images or videos. Tables do not have word-limits or maximum upload sizes. Tables simply just let New York Review of Architecture be New York Review of Architecture.

Unlike some other alternative platforms, tables are also already remarkably widespread. Many of our most enthusiastic readers (and even would-be readers) work in offices, study in schools, eat in restaurants, read in libraries, sleep in homes, and we have been told there are in fact tables in all of these places.
So we are launching this campaign to put issues of New York Review of Architecture onto as many tables as we can manage. Here is how it works:
First, fill out this form.
We will then send you a free packet of NYRA issues to put on your table (or tables).
Depending on demand, we may not be able to send issues to everyone who fills out the form. We will also prioritize requests from subscribers over non-subscribers.
When you receive the packet, put them on the table for the members of your community to enjoy.
If you take a photo of the issues on your table and send it to us or share it on other, lesser social platforms, that is just pure gravy.
New York Review of Architecture is a team effort. We consider our readers part of that team.
To join those readers and receive NYRA by post, subscribe here.